So, I guess I decided I'd like to keep blogging. However, I must warn anyone that stumbles across this that it will NOT be as entertaining as my Costa Rica posts. There will be no robbing, nor mountain climbing, nor termite eating. However, there will be boring stuff like..."I applied to PT school in September" and "I have been accepted to Des Moines University but still have more interviews to go to." So, let that be a warning.
This past summer after getting back from CR I worked in a factory. I made motor parts for Kitchen Aid mixers. That was basically my summer. My family went on a "vacation" to Aberdeen, SD to see an exhibit of human cadavers and to see the Terry Redlin Museum. Basically, that was it.
Now I'm back in B-town, South Dakota finishing up my senior year. As I sort of mentioned, I will be attending physical therapy school next year. I will graduate in May with a B.A. in Spanish. Then I'll go to school for approximately 33 more months to become a doctor in physical therapy. Woo Woo! Right now I'm waiting to hear back from all of the schools that I applied to. I have an interview at the Mayo Clinic in a week.
Other than that I've really just been enjoying life and such. Taking advantage of not being in the real world. This weekend I'm going to Missouri for a Collegiate 4-H Conference so that should be enjoyable.
Anyway, that's about all I've got. Oh, and for Halloween I was a bunch of I'll post that picture just to show how cool I looked!